Saturday, August 31, 2019

Garbage and Recycling

One of the most pressing environmental issues facing the contemporary society is the issue of garbage. As much as the global population continues to rise, people have become more wasteful and the products of modern convenience such as plastics have rendered the earth a dumping ground for non biodegradable refuse. This problem crosses all international boaders and touches of all the world people. Although some specialists argue that recycling is not good and beneficial from an economic perspective, some people believe it will reduces the need for new landfills, creates job, saves energy, and conserves resources. Increasing in Population results an increase in waste which requires finding and buying more landfills to bury the increasing amount waste, and this is becoming a very serious problem in many areas around the world. The question is how can government find a place for the huge quantities of material where does not affect humans health. Every Canadian knows that Toronto has world-class garbage problems. A growing number of Torontonians feel uncomfortable about shipping garbage to distant landfill sites. Until 2010, our trash will continue to be shipped to Michigan, and then it will be dumped at a newly purchased landfill site near London, Ontario (News at U of T). But within the next four or five years, the city needs to choose more alternate method for dealing with residual wastes. Diseases from poisonous gases and micro-organisms in the air near garbage dumps and poisoning by polluted underground water and soil may result in serious health problems too. The UN Development Programme (UNDP) estimates that more than five million people die each year from diseases related to inadequate waste disposal systems. Therefore, Landfills are not seen as attractive additions to the neighborhood. Neighborhoods are concerned about not only health hazards but also noises, increased traffic, lowered property values, toxic gases and effluents, and all these problems mean for the government spending more money to overcome such problems, but recycling seems to be the only solution. Recycling can reduce some of these costs, and communities can even make money by selling certain recyclable materials (Lopez). Many people think that landfills and incinerators are more cost- ffective than recycling, but it is not true. Statistics show that when recycling programs are designed properly, they save at least as much money as landfills an incinerators would. A large percentage of waste that is brought to the landfills can be recycled or reused. By paying close attention to what we are putting in our garbage cans and recycling materials whenever possible we can increase the stream of goods produced by recycling rather than using up precious space and money in landfills. Recycling not only cut down our litter it can add to our growing economy by saving energy. Energy savings can be seen when most materials are recycled. One example of valuable energy savings is the recycling of aluminum cans. It takes 95 percent less energy to recycle an aluminum can than it does to make a new can from bauxite ore (denver). Plastic bags made from recycled polythene rather than virgin materials save two thirds of the energy required for production and reduce the water used by almost 90% , or recycling a single glass bottle can save enough energy to light a 100-watt light bulb for 4 hours (Thrope). According to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, in 2000, recycling resulted in an annual energy savings of at least 660 trillion BTUs, which equals the amount of energy used in 6 million households annually (Denver). Companies that make new products from recycled material use 30 percent less energy. That's because they don't have to process the raw materials from scratch. For example, a company in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, called Cedar River Paper makes cardboard boxes by recycling paper products from all over the Midwest. If Cedar River Paper didn’t use recycled materials, they'd use up a lot of a trees – and a lot of energy to cut them down, transport them hundreds of miles and grind them into paper pulp (Rinaldi). http://www. alliantenergykids. com/stellent2/groups/public/documents/pub/phk_ee_001509. hcsp Recycling generates significant economic benefits by creating jobs for communities. In fact, the Office of the Federal Environmental Executive estimates that recycling and remanufacturing industries account for approximately one million manufacturing jobs and more than $100 billion in revenue. As a matter in fact, the drive for efficient handling and use of recycled materials spurs innovation which is a key to long-term economic growth. Recycling is a very important step in slowing down and eventually stopping wasting of earth's natural resources. In other words, The less we concentrate on recycling, the more we will rely on use natural resources which will results in depletion of the world’s natural resources and the increase of garbage mass. By reusing materials and re-manufacturing them into new products we are reducing the amount of virgin natural resources that we need to use. . For example, for every ton of recycled paper that we use we can save 17 trees (denver),but unfortunately, paper and its derived products such as carton are now being recycled successfully everyday. Can you imagine that 44 million newspapers are thrown away every day in the United States. This is like throwing 500 000 trees into a landfill each week. The loss of natural resources affects animals too. Our landfills are taking over animal’s habitats and causing many species to become endangered. For example, Animals like black footed ferrets and prairie dogs are in danger of becoming extinct (Baron). We should think broadly because recycling has a large impact in our economy over the past few decades. Although recycling of wastes entail large hidden costs in collecting, sorting, and manufacturing, it can solve issues concerning landfills. When we recycle our waste products rather than throw them all in the garbage we save room in landfills. Recycling plants also create many more jobs than people would think. Recycling activities around the country promote community development while reducing the need for new landfills, preventing pollution, saving energy, and preserving natural resources. The economic value of clean air, water and land is significant, but difficult to quantify. Since recycling plays an important role in protecting these natural resources it must be attributed an economic value in this context, as well (Rinaldi).

Friday, August 30, 2019

Surrogate Marketing (Advertising)

The makers of these brands were banned to advertise and they resorted to surrogate advertising. It is a sort of advertising where a cover product is promoted in order to promote the actual product that is banned. Surrogate marketing refers to intentionally utilizing a company, person or object to help convey the message of another party. The term has both positive and negative connotations. On the positive side, surrogate marketing is somewhat akin to grassroots or viral marketing in which a marketing organization may actively recruit others to help spread the message or can also be likened to hiring a manufacturer’s representative to sell your product. However, it is the negative side that seems to have drawn the most attention. A surrogate advertising campaign can be used to indirectly promote products or services deemed by some groups as being unhealthy, unethical, and immoral or, possibly, illegal through activities that are viewed as acceptable forms of promotion. For instance, in some parts of the world where regulation exists that may ban promoting alcohol and tobacco, firms promote these brands by tying the brand names to more acceptable products. For instance, the same brand name used for selling cigarettes may also be the same brand name on a juice product. In this way the customer is not only aware of the acceptably advertised brand but also understands the connection to the regulated product. Surrogate advertisements took off not long ago in the UK, where British housewives protested strongly against liquor advertisements â€Å"luring† away their husbands. The liquor industry found a way around the ban: Surrogate advertisements for cocktail mixers, fruit juices and soda water using the brand names of the popular liquors. In India, ministry of health has banned the advertising of liquor and tobacco. But many liquor brands (like McDowell's whisky) initiated other products like sodas in the same name which are then advertised. Another instance of surrogate advertising is ‘Four Square Bravery Awards' in the name of Four Square cigarettes. Surrogate marketing is used in two contexts: the first is when a company â€Å"farms out† the entire marketing function and the group providing the service is called a â€Å"surrogate marketing department. † I don't believe this is the context for which you are looking. The second is what is happening in India with respect to the ban on tobacco and alcohol advertising. Companies in banned industries are introducing brand extensions with products that are legal to advertise with the same brand name as the banned product. One liquor company introduced apple juice with the same brand name as the liquor. The idea is the companies can advertise freely the extension – thus keeping their banned-from-the-media products in the minds of the customers. So the apple juice, for instance, is the surrogate for the liquor in the ads. The companies also don't care much about the sales of the surrogate products -for instance, it seems that the apple juice isn't even readily available to buy throughout the company. This loophole that the tobacco and liquor companies are exploiting is upsetting the legislature because every apple juice ad that reminds the consumers of the liquor is a slap in the lawmakers' faces. But, they also don't quite know what to do about it! In general, surrogate marketing is when you promote one product or service in the hopes of selling another. Why you would want to do that varies. The best reason is that you aren't able to legally. But other reasons might be because the two products sell better together – for instance, you may make a product and it requires service – which you don't provide. You can market a service provider – the surrogate – who will only use your product.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

How effective are Abstinence Programs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

How effective are Abstinence Programs - Essay Example Teenagers received 336 of those tests. Increases of 273 additional tests were given to teens 14-17 in 2003 than the previous year. This paper will serve to investigate if it is plausible that a countywide holistic abstinence education program, which collaborates with other agencies in the county to offer alternative activities as well as abstinence education, would have helped to reduce the pregnancy rate among teenaged girls in the county during that period. The purpose of this study is to determine if the lack of an abstinence program in Douglas County Georgia, accounted for the increase in pregnancy rate among teenaged girls between 14-17 years of age during 2002 and 2003. The safe sex approach, which advocates contraceptive use, has led teenagers to believe that using contraceptives makes engaging in sexual intercourse a safe behavior ("Sexual Health Update," 2000). Medical evidence indicates that abstinence is the only reliable choice for avoiding pregnancy. In an article that compared the effectiveness of school-based health clinics that distributed birth control and schools that have abstinence programs, evidence showed that abstinence programs were the most effective technique for preventing adolescent sexual activity and pregnancies (Khouzem, 2003). Khouzem cited one study, in particular, that was funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and conducted by the Institute for Research and Evaluation. The study included almost 7,000 teenagers in grades 7 through 10 who were taught a values-based curriculum. Three Title XX programs were implemented in three school districts and later evaluated. These three curricula, Teen-Aid, Sex Re spect, and Values and Choices, were written to follow the legislative parameters of abstinence as the preventative measure for teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Pre- and posttest data were collected. Participants in each of the programs were administered two scales: the Affirmation of Abstinence and the Rejection of Permissiveness scales. On the Affirmation of Abstinence scale for both junior and senior high students, each of these programs produced a change that was statistically significant at the .000 level for Sex Respect and Teen-Aid and at the .002 level for Values and Choices. Researchers found significant differences for the Values and Choices curriculum and for the Sex Respect and Teen-Aid curricula in positively affecting students' choices regarding abstinence (Khouzem, 2003; DeGaston, Olsen, Prigmore, & Weed, 2001). The Teen-Aid abstinence education curriculum has been used in Edinburg, Washington, for 5 years. Each year, a report is published concerning the effectiveness of this curriculum in reducing "risky behavior and attitudes." This program had a statistically significant impact (p = .000) on the likelihood that participants would not have sexual intercourse before marriage and that the non-virgin teenage participants would cease their sexual activity (p = .001). There was also a statistically significant change (p = .019) in the teenagers' views that waiting until marriage to engage in sexual intercourse

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The existence of homophobia or racism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The existence of homophobia or racism - Essay Example However, this is a primitive thinking that should be condemned in one accord since human beings are equal regardless of their skin color, ethnicity or any other baseless ground that is used by unethical individuals to discriminate others. Skin color should not be used as a ground of determining how much respect a person should get. Racism is believed to be prompted by numerous reasons. However, the four main causes include stereotyping, environmental factors, unfamiliarity, and selfishness (Fredrickson, 2011). Labeling of other races and communities as inferior through the radio, television, in the internet and through books among other platforms leads to discrimination and unfair treatment of the targeted communities. Stereotype is very effective especially if introduced to young people (children) where a child might be exposed to false allegations of a particular group made by his or community thus growing believing that all people from the alleged community are that way. Unfamiliarity is also a common source of racism in the modern world (Fredrickson, 2011). People have a tendency of fearing what is unfamiliar to them or what they do not apprehend. Sources show that there is a very high likelihood for a person to discriminate against another community that he or she has never lived in or does not understand fully. This situation is mostly fueled by other factors like negative stereotypes or labeling that an individual might have received in the past against the targeted community or group (Fredrickson, 2011). Therefore, integration of cultures is highly advisable particularly in the early stages of child development like in schools. Parents, guardians and the society in general have a role to play in attempt to eradicate this problem by counterbalancing false stereotypes that children may encounter while growing up. Another major and obvious source of racism is selfishness since at times human beings are extremely selfish

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Memo 3 Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Memo 3 - Article Example This is supposed to have an ending that leans on either a positive, negative or neutral side of the issues being addressed. This defines the scope and focus of the piece of publication. In the article as written, a look at the language used brings a collection of language misfits in its presentation. Though most of the errors appear in relatively less defined areas of the piece of writing, they are well defined as per the English laws of language. For instance, the author states that ‘Her husband, who was an alcoholic, verbally and emotionally abused her’. In this sentence, there is a missing subject. The proposition for this correction is as simple as a consideration to remove the verb â€Å"was† or simply inserting a subject. Secondly on the issue of language, there are so many contractions that have been used. In an academic writing, and for the sake of the public that is to enjoy reading the article, contractions are supposed to be highly minimized. For instance, ‘†¦and she’s been threatened with death.’ These contractions have been used a lot and they fall short of the seriousness the article is supposed to express. The theme has been chosen right and expressed efficiently. However, there are some changes that need to be done especially on the balance of the addressed issues. The theme is purely domestic violence. It has also expressed violence against women and in particular, Byars is the greatest subject. The blame for all her misfortunes has been put on the men in her lives. Notwithstanding, the psychological analysis of the issue would practically have some blame put on her as well. If we look at her earlier life, she is seen to get married at the tender age of just 18 years. This is an age too tender to even think about having deep commitments in relationships leave alone marriage. Secondly, she is seen to get married to men who are purely alcoholic. This would perhaps be used to define her social setting where she would be taken to

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Pros and cons of The Globalization Process Essay

The Pros and cons of The Globalization Process - Essay Example This paper offers a comprehensive analysis of globalization phenomena, considering pros and cons of the process and assessing its role in the modern world of today. With the advent of the internet and massive computing systems that are nevertheless small in physical scale, the world is becoming an ever-shrinking globe. The concept of a shrinking world, a world wherein travel, trade and communications between countries is becoming easily accessible by all, is luring more companies into the worldwide market thanks to significant advances in transportation, communication and a recognition of the success of libertarian marketing systems. The globalization of markets has accelerated through universal acceptance of the democratic free enterprise model and new communication technologies, including satellites and the Internet. Changes in the way in which organizations conduct business have been rapid and wide-spread as the globalization concept has been introduced. It is the inherent nature of the marketplace to increase efficiency within the workplace by constantly striving to produce the most products with the least expenditure of resources. It is this concept that drove many corporations to join in the globalization process, frequently outsourcing their activities and production processes to less developed countries in which this process is less expensive and requires fewer restrictions, licensing, and controls. Global markets offer greater opportunity for people to tap into more and larger markets around the world.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

HR hypothetical facts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

HR hypothetical facts - Essay Example In determining whether a worker that provides services to your organization is either an independent contractor or an employee, all information that shows evidence of independence and control degree should be highly considered. The hypothetical facts that show the prove of independence and control are classified into three categories which include type of relationship, behavioral, and financial.Relationship between employee and employer- are there any written types of employee’s benefits or contracts (Fishman, 2014). Will the relationship between an employer and employee continue or end after a while and the services offered very important to the organization. Behavioral- does the organization have the power to control the function of the worker or how he or she carries out his or her duties. Financial- are there aspects of the job of a worker that is controlled by the Human Resource manager? (This includes things such as expense reimbursement and how workers are being paid. T hese are the main facts that the Unemployment Claims Hearing Office should rely on to determine whether John is characterized as either an employee or an independent contractor. Companies must put into consideration all the above mentioned factors when characterizing a worker as either independent contractor or an employee. Some of the factors indicate that a worker should be categorized as an employee while others entail that a worker should be categorized as an independent contractor. The main thing here is to evaluate all the mentioned factors.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Retailing stores Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Retailing stores - Research Proposal Example This understanding remains an essential component in development of services aimed at providing sufficient customer satisfaction. The study comprises of a population of all registered retailing outlets with samples of hundred stores in each country. Stratified sampling shall be utilised in sampling of the selected retailing stores within the population. Data analysis and processing shall be undertaken manually through undertaking close reviewing of the collected data. TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 2 1.1.Background 2 1.2.Statement of problem 4 1.3.Objectives 4 1.4.Research questions 5 1.5.Justification 5 1.6.Scope 6 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 6 2.1.Introduction 6 2.2.Research hypothesis 7 2.3.Theoretical framework 7 2.4.Summary 9 2.5.Research gaps 10 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 11 3.1.Research design 11 3.2.Population 11 3.3.Sampling frame 11 3.4.Sample and sampling technique 11 3.5.Data collection procedure 12 3.6.Data processing and analysis 1 2 REFERENCES 12 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background Grocery stores across the world normally manage to market themselves through providing services aimed at satisfying the target market. Before engaging in the business of retailing outlets, business owners must understand the prevailing shopping trends among the target customers. This kind of understanding makes marketing an essential component of successful business operations for retailing stores. The factors affecting shopping trends in retailing stores vary significantly between different states. These variations contribute significantly towards the development of specific shopping trends among individuals residing in certain part of the world. Variations in shopping trends, therefore, become a fundamental element in determining the success of a retailing store located in different states. Increased globalisation of business operations continues to necessitate differentiation of business operations in order to suit the vario us customer requirements. A comparison of Saudi Arabian and British consumers of grocery store products could potentially reveal the existing discrepancies in the shopping trends in different parts of the world. The European and Asian continents remain some of the biggest target markets for retailing outlets seeking global presence. In Saudi Arabia for example, perceived selection risk remains a major determinant of supermarket patronage among many shoppers(Yavas & Tuncalp, 1984). In the European market, the British retailing sector continues to rank among the best based on management and attained annual profits. The emerging competition from international retailing outlets, however, continues to cause competitive threats for existing retailing stores(Steve & Sparks, 1994). The globalisation of retailing store business therefore, requires sufficient understanding of the target market and introduction of new services. This proposal seeks to provide an understanding of the prevail ing issues pertaining to global retailing store business. Clients in different countries have different concerns resulting in patronage with retailing stores. This research seeks to provide an analysis of the existing services resulting in patronage within Europe and the Middle East. As one of the most popular countries in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia becomes the best example to represent the rest of the Middle East. Britain on the other

Friday, August 23, 2019

Culture, Modernity and media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Culture, Modernity and media - Essay Example This is because the idea of a nation state or the concept the every human belongs to one or more nations has been very influential in the course of human history. A nationalistic ideology forms the basis of creation for a nation state which determines its friendly or even hostile relationships with other nations of the world. Being a part of nations entails to some extent a positive belief in the ideology of the nation and upholding certain customs which are part of the national culture (Miztal, 2003). Strangely enough, there sometimes appears to be no basis of creating a nation since in historical terms nations were formed simply because a group had a different accent from another, while at the same time, people from across races, religions, cultural and backgrounds as well as those who speak different languages can call themselves part of one nation (Giddens, 1994). This is particularly the case with western democracies like America or Britain, where the diversity of the nation is celebrated as much as the union (Bhaba, 1989). In fact, celebrations are significant in helping to create a national identity and infusing a sense of belonging to a nation without internal discrimination. The celebratory role of a particular incident in history is often connected with war and struggle. Incidentally, the celebration seldom looks at the atrocities committed by the nations involved in the war but rather at the positive, heroic, self sacrificing and noble acts which ‘deserve’ to be commemorated. For instance, the American celebration of Veteran’s Day is a celebration of all the war heroes who fought for America in the many wars the nation has conducted over its comparatively short history (Gillis, 1994). Of course there is little mention of America being the only nation in the world to have ever used a nuclear attack on another nation. The atrocities which were committed by American soldiers in Vietnam and the crimes of war they

Critical Analysis of Chinas Economy Research Paper

Critical Analysis of Chinas Economy - Research Paper Example During the industrialization era, China dominated its lead in global technological discoveries. It is believed that China made its breakthrough in economic growth during the Song Dynasty. During this rule, China made gross investments in technologies, witnessed highest rates of urbanization as well producing large amounts of highly demanded iron. As a result, China acquired the global superpower rank in economic growth. However, the reign did not last very long after Western Europe emerged with bigger economic growths between 1500 and 1800. It is believed that China fall could be related to the tyranny of Ming (1368 –1644). In addition, trade and innovation received minimum focus during the dynasty of Qing (1644 –1911) (Chow and Kui-Wai 156).Significant growth in efficiency and productivity, physical capital, and labor contributed to economic growth prior to the year 1978 in China. Essentially, aggregate factor productivity reduced within the same period. Research indic ates that the decrease registered scale of 1.07 percent. In addition, additional years of schooling in China resulted in increased growth in the annual human capital which reached 1.55 percent. As a result, the total factor productivity registered a partial decrease. In the later years, the actual input versus capital ratio maintained a constant figure. Therefore the roles of total factor productivity were inverted with those of accumulation of capital. Contrastingly, the growth rate in human capital registered a decrease.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Social Anthropology Essay Example for Free

Social Anthropology Essay Social and cultural anthropology is the comparative study of culture and human societies. Anthropologists seek an understanding of human kind in all its diversity. This understanding is reached through the study of societies and cultures and the exploration of the general principlesof social andcultural life. Social and cultural anthropology places special emphasis on comparative perspectives that challenge cultural assumptions. Many anthropologists explore problems and issues associated with the complexity of modern societies in local, regional and global contexts. Participant observation is one type of data collection method, its aim is to gain a close and intimate familiarity with a given group of individuals and their habits through an intensive involvement with people in their cultural environment, usually over an extended period of time. The term ethnography has come to be equated with virtually any qualitative research project where the intent is to provide a detailed, in-depth description of everyday life and practice. The relationship between P. O. and the ethnography is that, in order to write the ethnography, we get information using P. O. The importance of fieldwork is that the data the anthropologist gathers is more valuable because is first hand information. However, the armchair anthropology is based on books and reaserch papers written by anthropologists that have done prior studies. There are some advantages and disadvantages of fieldwork, which i will mention: The main advantage would be that the anthropologist can stablish a good relationship with the people being observered, that leads to a more honest information, and you may tell when people are lying or hiding something. Another important advatage to point out is that you learn how to formulate right questions. The most important disadvantage is that the person doing the research may be bias to the person who is being interviwed. Also, the fact that there is a lack of privacy while doing the work, which might affect the anthropologist point of view. Depending on the period of time in which the ethnography is written, the data included may vary. Due to this fact, the anthropologist as well as the person being observed are affected by the events going on, and by the knowledge they have at this point. As an example, an ethnography published before Darwin, might had been taking into account Lamarck`s theory. On the other side, a study done after Darwin, would consider Darwin`s theory.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Social Perspectives on the Concepts of Sex and Gender

Social Perspectives on the Concepts of Sex and Gender Critically evaluate the contribution of the social perspective to our understanding of language and meaning and the psychology of sex and gender. It can be said different psychological perspectives lead to different theories providing diverse insights into the same issue i.e. language and meaning. They focus their enquiry in different ways and consequently have dissimilar objects of knowledge. Each perspective asks different questions, use different methods and data and produce therefore different theories. These perspectives can be complementary, conflicting or coexisting, whereby each perspective and theory provides a variety of ways of applying their findings to everyday psychological problems. By focusing on the social psychological perspective, this essay will initially evaluate how this perspective contributes to a greater understanding in the formation, acquisition and use of language and how this understanding co-exists with, and may be complimented by or is in contrast to, other perspectives and how this fits in with the understanding of sex and gender. Social psychological perspectives emphasise the importance of inv estigating cognition by studying how meaning is created through participation and cultural practices and through language. The evolvement, acquisition and application of language used by humans, to express meaning and pursue goals, have been a topic of study amongst the various perspectives in psychology most notably evolutionary, cognitive and social perspectives. In researching language and the development of subsequent theories, language itself is used as a medium to investigate language. This methodological reflexivity is the source of conflict between social and cognitive perspectives on language when trying to determine to what extent, if any, the necessity of responding in language predetermines what is said. Social psychologists, more specifically discourse psychologists (i.e. Parker, 1992, as cited in: Cooper Kay, 2007, p. 105), claims that in using language individuals do so in a social and historic context, with an audience and for a purpose. Individuals therefore will m ake assumptions about the knowledge, understanding and requirements of their interlocutors in an experimental setting which is a primary method used by cognitive psychologists to study the separate cognitive and underlying thought processes language represents in communication with others or dialog with the self. The social constructionist perspective, on the other hand, uses evidence from actual language used in day-to-day communication and therefore appears to have more ecological validity. With the use of discourse analysis, they manage to describe how individuals organise their talk and use particular strategies such as the creation of subject positions or constructions of the world, to achieve particular ends. Wieder (1974 as cited in: Cooper Kay, 2007, pp. 104-105) illustrated the use of language to determine behaviour amongst newly released prisoners living in a hostel by employing a method called ethnomethodology (the study of how people do things) devised by Garfinkel (1967 as cited in: Cooper Kay, 2007, p.103). Wieder (ibid) found that the language used amongst the individuals (called The Code) does not explain their behavior but rather was used by them to actively construct their social world and take appropriate action within it (i.e. not being a snitch). Social constructionists therefore base their understanding of language on the concept that language can be seen as a vehicle for the socially produced and sustained meaning that operates between individuals, in groups and societies (Cooper Kay, 2007, p. 113). Although providing a feasible explanation for the use of language, it does not explain how language evolved or how it is being processed individually. Evolutionary psychologists (i.e. Lorenz, 1952 as cited in: Cooper Kay, 2007, p. 78) offer an explanation about the evolution of language in claiming that language is an adaptive characteristic that has been acquired (through natural and sexual selection) at species level and is characterised by the ability of humans to create meanings in quite different ways of communication than that of other species. The complex interactive activation with competition (IAC) model devised by McClelland and Rummelhart (1981, as cited in: Cooper Kay, 2007, pp. 91-94) and subsequent studies (i.e. Moss and Gaskell, 199 8, as cited in: Cooper Kay, 2007, p. 93) is used by cognitive psychologists in formulating their understanding that language is part of an information processing system that resides in the brain of an individual who creates meaning when hearing others speak or when speaking themselves. The three perspectives therefore provide complimentary understandings of language based on their individual analysis being evolution, individual processing or social construction. Parker (1992, as cited in: Cooper Kay, 2007, p. 105) describe discourse as a set of symbolic meanings created through the use of language to construct an event or object in a particular way. This is evident in the claim by social psychologists that individuals construct the world as consisting of two basic types of people men and women. This is partially achieved through social identity processes as theorised in the Social Identity Theory (SIT) of Tajfel (1919-82, as cited in Phoenix Thomas, 2007, p. 62) whereby individuals devise descriptions which derive from the social group they see themselves belonging to (i.e. male or female). Individuals, according to SIT, then tend to maximise perceived similarities to others in the same group (in-group) whilst minimising it with those outside the group (out-group) e.g. the notion of opposite sex (Hollway, Cooper, Johnston and Stevens, 2007, p. 151). Gender is consequently one of the most important and powerful social categories by which i ndividuals define themselves. Bem (1981 as cited in: Hollway et al, 2007, p. 153) proposed in the Gender Schema Theory (GST) that femininity and masculinity are socially and culturally constructed dimensions absorbed by individuals to produce an understanding of gender to make sense of themselves and their behavior. Social constructionists however, argue that gender is not a set of characteristics or properties acquired by an individual but rather that gender identity is constantly established and re-established by experiences, behaviors and actions on both individual and group levels and is therefore ongoing throughout the lifespan of an individual. The study of sex and gender is thus concerned with the intricate interplay of nature and nurture in shaping similarities and differences between men and women. In studying sex and gender as a psychological phenomenon evolutionary (e.g. Clark and Hatfield, 1989, as cited in: Hollway et al, 2007, p. 146) and biological (e.g. Fitch and Den enberg, 1998 as cited in: Hollway et al, 2007, p. 138) perspectives emphasis’ the contribution of nature to the experiences of individuals by examining the biological and genetic structures relating to sex. Social constructionists acknowledge these influences but looks at the importance of context and culture in constructing an understanding about gender whilst the psychoanalytic perspective incorporates biological differences as well as the social and cultural meanings. The difference between these approaches is often exemplified through political tension between them in relation to their implications about the fixity of the social roles of men and woman and their personal relationships and behavior. Biological and social explanations (nature and nurture) expose a fundamental conflict whereby social perspectives echo the underlying principal of psychoanalysts questioning individual agency in claiming that biological explanations, and most recently evolutionary explanations ( e.g. Hilary and Rose, 2000, as cited in: Hollway et al, 2007, p. 172), are extremely deterministic (Hollway et al, 2007, p. 171). Social constructionists explained that historical research underlines the fact that values inevitably underpin all knowledge; however, allowance should be made for new ideas incorporating change and cultural settings such as the role of women in society. The methods employed by the various psychological perspectives in studying a specific psychological issue are often complimentary as opposed to contrasting. In explaining gender social constructionists take historical and cultural situations of human beings into account focusing almost exclusively on the meaning-making activities of humans. In studying the difference in the style of sexual behavior between men and woman at an American college, Clark and Hatfield (1989 as cited in: Hollway et al, 2007, p. 146) found that women, although accepting dating invitations were less inclined to accept invitations for private meetings (i.e. at the apartment of a stranger) with almost all women refusing invitations for sexual intercourse. The results were the same when women were first assured of the trustworthiness and integrity of the stranger thus accounting for fear of potential danger as a confounding variable (Clark, 1990, as cited in: Hollway et al, 2007, p. 146). Clark and Hatfield (ibid) claimed from an evolutionary perspective that the results are consistent with the arguments of evolutionary psychologists about evolved optimal reproductive style (ibid) through natural and sexual selection processes. The findings of Clark and Hatfield (ibid) underline, from a social constructionist point of view, the notion that the sexual behavior of men and women is filtered through their own individual cultural lenses. Psychoanalytical psychologists (e.g. Benjamin, 1990, 1995, 1998 as cited in: Hollway et al, 2007, p.164) argue that these external influences (e.g. identities are constructed throug h discourse and discursive practices) are over emphasised by social constructionists and therefore does not explain the agency and capacity for resistance and change by individuals. Each of these perspectives provides a valuable point of view but none is able to give a complete explanation of the findings of the study with each perspective concentrating on its own theoretical ground when analysing the findings of a study. In conclusion, it is clear that different perspectives in psychology lead to different explanations of one or more psychological issues. These perspectives can co-exist in some ways such as the fact that social constructionists and psychoanalysts both base their interpretations on meaning. Social constructionists provide a comprehensive account in formulating an understanding of language and gendered differences with a strong focus on the extraction of meaning of behavior. Although this perspective goes a long way in understanding these, and other, psychological aspects, they do not answer all aspects such as the evolution and individual understanding of language. Findings of other perspectives such as biological, evolutionary and cognitive psychology assist in providing an explanation of those items social constructionists cannot account for. Word count: 1662 References Cooper, T., Kaye, H. (2007). Language and Meaning. In T. Cooper, I. Roth (Eds.), DSE212 Challenging Psychological Issues (pp. 71-123). Milton Keynes: The Open University. Hollway, W., Cooper, T., Johnston, A., Stevens, R. (2007). The psychology of sex and gender. In T. Cooper, I. Roth (Eds.), DSE212 Challenging Psychological Issues (pp. 125-188). Milton Keynes: The Open University. Phoenix, A. (2007). Identities and diversities. In D. Miell, A. Phoenix, K. Thomas (Eds.), DSE212 Mapping Psychology (pp. 43-104). Milton Keynes: The Open University.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

General Information And The History Of Beer

General Information And The History Of Beer Beer is the oldest and most widely consumed alcoholic drink in whole world and the third most popular drink overall after water and tea. Beer is produced by the brewing and fermentation of starches, mostly produced from cereal grains and usually malted barley, and also wheat, corn wheat and rice may be used as well. Almost all beers are flavored with hops. Hops are also used to add bitterness to the beer and be as a natural preservative. Although there are deferent beers with flavored with herbs or fruit smell. Beer has appeared between 9,000 and 14,000 years ago, being as old as the civilization. Beer is one of the oldest products of civilization, and may even have been a stepping-stone to the invention of leavened bread. The grain, from which beer is made, was the first domesticated crop that started the process of farming during the nomadic times. By that time the beer was cloudy and not filtered, and people were using à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾drinking straws when drinking beer, in order to avoid brewing residue in the mouth (Wikipedia, 2011). In ancient times beer was mostly used as barter, instead of being sold and a Babylonian King had even introduced a daily norm of beer per day. A normal worker received 2 liters, civil servants 3 liters, administrators and high priests 5 liters of beer per day. The Egyptians also have taken part in the history of beer brewing. They have been experimenting with unbaked bread dough and were improving the taste of beer. Beer is an especially important drink in countries such as Belgium, Germany, Ireland , and the UK, with nations such as France, the Scandinavian countries, the Czech Republic, and others having strong and unique brewing traditions with their own history, characteristic brewing methods, and styles of beer producing. RELATION BETWEEN GERMANY AND BREWING The most widely known event in the history of brewing is the establishment of standards for brewers by the Germans. They decided that to the production of beer, only four ingredients should be used: water, malted barley, malted wheat and hops. It is emphasize that beer was for the first time brewed on German soil. Germans brewed beer not just for God sacrifices, but also for their own enjoyment. Germans started to open even brewery family businesses. Beer is in Germany a major part of their national culture. Germany has more breweries than in any other country. There are almost 1,300 businesses producing beer. Figure 1 German Beer Statistics % Age of European Production: 26.5% Total beer consumption: 107,800,000 hectoliter Consumption per head: 131.7 l Number of breweries: 1294 Beer exports: 8,539,000 hectoliter Beer imports: 2,168,000 hectoliter Draught beer percentage: 22% Notes: The only countries with which Germany has a trade deficit in beer are Belgium, the Czech Republic and Mexico. MARKET STRUCTURE On the one hand, Germans are beer drinking nation. Their consumption per/capita is almost 60% higher than the western European average consumption and the beer market from Germany is still the largest in the world. Even if there are 1,300 breweries in Germany, therefore Germanys beer market is highly competitive. Their output is only around a third of the whole beer production in EU. On the other hand German consumers started to move away from the alcoholic drinks, the desire of a healthier way of leaving is rising, and German is tend to consume more mineral water, juice and coffee. The result of this is 7% drop in the beer consumption in Germany since 1998. Even though Bavarian-style beer continued to grow, and beer-based mixed continue to have high demand. Young generations of consumers are trying to discover new and different types of drinks, such as beer mixed with lemon-lime soda or cola etc. Imported beer is account only 5, 9% of the total beer consumption in Germany. This is due to the fact that domestic breweries created a strong preference among the consumers. The import share remains more or less constant in spite of several major international breweries that previously sold their products through exports now producing under license in Germany. Pils is the dominant segment in Germany with a market share of some 60% in total. In addition, there are a number of special German beer types such as Weizen, Alt and Kà ¶lsch. EVALUATION OF MAJOR BREWERY COMPANIES IN GERMANY BECKS BREWERY is a brewing company in the north part of Germany, in city of Bremen, since 1873. Becks was first owned by a local family, and later it was sold to InterBrew. Becks beer is famous of it quality and world-wide known brand, drunk by millions of consumers every year and is ranking number 5 among the most selling beers in Germany. By exported volume, Becks is on the first place among German Beers, and it is sold in more than 100 countries in the world. The largest markets for Becks outside Germany are the United Kingdom, the USA, the Ukraine, Australia, Italy, Romania, and Russia (Brauerei Beck Co, 2011). Products of Becks Brewery Becks the main brand, a pilsner Becks Blue (Alcohol Free) Becks Premier Light Becks Gold Becks Green Lemon Becks Green Lemon Alcohol Free Becks Chilled Orange Becks Level 7 Becks Ice Becks NEXT Becks Dark Becks Oktoberfest Becks VIER Becks Brewery is an attraction of the city, because the company organizes tours in the inside the brewery and gives sample of finished products and afterwards visitors can enjoy food at the Becks cafà ©, or browsing for beer-related souvenirs. Besides the organizing tours, the company also uses other ways to advertise its products. The sponsor various sport events, festivals and have more advertisements on TV and magazines. OETTINGER BREWERY is the best selling beer brand in Germany since 2004 with an output of almost 6.61 million hectoliters sold annually. Moreover a big factor that contributes to this big amount of sales is the low-price strategy. Oettinger appeared in the market, by using a gap from it industry. The brewery started to sell cheap beer in big volumes, so that people would afford it and would have a beer they just wanted for the lowest price and relatively good quality. In order to avoid competition, Oettinger bought the beer brand 5.0 Original and the corresponding brewery in Braunschweig. Braunschweig was his competitor, a brewery from the same segment of market (The Oettinger Group, 2011). Oettinger uses different ways to maintain the beer price as low as possible: No advertisement and promo campaigns. Concentrating only one the one brand, compared to other breweries which have twenty and same times even more brands. Direct delivery from brewery to stores, no intermediaries. The brewing process is highly automated only few employees are needed for production. PORTER 5 FORCES ANALYSIS Force 1: Supplier power Suppliers have small bargaining power in the brewing business, which works in technique brewers goodwill. There are a lot manufacturers and suppliers who provide brewing equipment. Brewers can also buy used or refurbished already existing equipment. Many of the companies that supply brewing equipment do not focus just on that area, they also offer other products and services and the brewing equipment is just one phase of their operation. Supplier concentration is low, which can possibly increase the sustainable profits. As far as supplier substitutes, the ingredients that go into the brewing of beer cannot be replaced. Those ingredients are necessary for the production. Brewing must have malt, hops, barley, yeast, and water. The beer brewing industry relies heavily on supplier input. Especially the ingredients that are in beer, consequently the suppliers are in constant need to keep this industry operational. Which means there is a threat of supplying integration; the larger brewing companies produce enough capital to possibly buy plots of land to grow their own malt, hops, or barley (Beer Brewers Industry Analysis, 2008). Force 2: Buyer power The main buyers of beer in the brewing industry are distributors. There are over 1,900 beer distributors nationwide servicing approximately 320,000 retail businesses. Bargaining power of buyers increase when: there are few distributors in the market; the distribution industry is increasing very fast than the manufacturers industry; and when new competition cannot emerge. The distributors are the ones with all the connections to the consumers retailers, thus the distributor control the prices based on what income margins they require. The distributors are consolidating and increasing in power. Moreover, distributors are limiting new competition. So, overall the Porters force of Buyer Power is a negative for the Beer Brewing Industry (Beer Brewers Industry Analysis, 2008). Force 3: Substitutes Figure 2 Beverage Consumption Category % Of Beverage Consumption Soft drinks 49.0% Beer 19.4% Fruit beverages 13.2% Bottled water 12.2% Sports drinks 1.8% Wine 1.7% Rtd tea 1.6% Spirits 1.1% Total beverages 100.0% Beer has a lot of substitutes as you can see from Figure 2 some of them are wine, spirits, wine cooler, and specialty drinks. But also soft drinks, water, fruit juices, tea, and sports drinks may be considered as its substitutes. According to the figures from the Beverage World Publications Group, Beer constitutes for 19.4% and soft drinks account for 49.0%. This makes beer consumed more than bottled water, fruit juices, sports drinks, wine, spirits and tea. These factors increase the threat of substitute goods for the beer industry, which has a negative effect on industry profits (Beer Brewers Industry Analysis, 2008). Force 4: Rivalry Rivalry is the extent to which companies compete with one another for customers. Rivalry can be price-based or non price-based (Michael Porters Five Forces, 2009) Rivalry is measured by the concentration level of the industry; the more concentrated the industry, the less rivalry. Other factors that increase rivalry are large capital asset requirements and high switching costs. This industry is experiencing significant concentration effects, which decreases rivalry. Also, there are significant barriers to exit, which increases rivalry. The proposed joint venture MillerCoors would act to decrease rivalry overall. Therefore, the overall effect of rivalry on this industry is neutral (Beer Brewers Industry Analysis, 2008). Force 5: Entry Barriers In the Germany beer brewing industry there are a substantial amount of entry barriers that protect the firms currently in the industry from the new entrants. Price competition combined with increasing vertical integration and the inherent production economy of the market leaders makes it very difficult for an inefficient major brewer to compete on a national scale. (CNBC, 2011 Liquor Sales Slow Along With Econom) Overall the German brewing industry faces a large amount of barriers to entry as there are economies of scale, brand loyalty and large capital requirements, product differentiation effects, possibly limited access to distribution channels, and large amount of government regulations. All of these factors reduce the threat of entry into the national beer brewing industry which in turn raises the industrys potential for sustained profits (Beer Brewers Industry Analysis, 2008). 5 FORCE SUMMARIES Force Key Drivers Effect on Industry Profit Bargaining Power of Suppliers Small suppliers relative to brewers + Bargaining Power of Buyers Consolidation of industry; distribution connected to retailers Substitutes Growing substitute industry; low switching cost Rivalry High concentration; high innovation Entry Barriers High capital requirements, economies of scale, closed distribution channels, high government regulation. + Conclusion In conclusion I would like to emphasize that beer market in Germany is very product differentiated and diverse. The competition forces are high and in parallel, customers have different offers from what to choose. Germany is the biggest exporter of beer in the world and has the most breweries. Beer has various substitutes, even though it is on the second place among other drinks. Each brewery is trying to gain competitive advantage. Oettinger lowers the prices and Becks uses more advertising channels.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

In September of 2000, the leaders of 189 nations across the globe met at the United Nations headquarters in New York to participate in the UN Millennium summit. The leaders and members at this summit agreed to the UN Millennium declaration, which contained the eight-millennium development goals (MDGs). The purpose of these goals was to help remove poverty, improve the development, society and governance structure in these countries in order to help these countries fully develop without any lag. The deadline to achieve these goals is 2015. The eight-millennium development goals contain: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, achieve universal primary education, promote gender equality and empower women, reduce child morality rates, improve maternal health, combat HIV/AIDs, malaria and other universal diseases, ensure environmental sustainability and to develop a global partnership for development. The republic of Maldives is an island nation off the coast of India. It consists of 26 chain islands surrounded by the Indian Ocean. For the most part, the Maldives Islands have been independent until other countries invaded. The invasion only lasted several years at a time throughout history. In 2010 the Maldives Country Report to the United Nations stated that, â€Å"it was the first country in South Asia to make the most progress, evidently achieving five of the eight goal millennium development goals† (Maldives Country Report). Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger: Poverty reduction is one of the main goals the countries government focused on throughout the development process. The targets the country set to eliminate extreme poverty were to reduce the population who lived on less than $1 a day to less than 1%, achieve full and produ... ...arly in the atolls, through deeper economic diversification and corporatization/privatization of public services† (Maldives Country Report). Due the size of the country, gross domestic production (GDP) and population being very small compared to other countries, the government of Maldives is enrolled in far to many sectors. Currently, the nation is receiving $300 million in annual funding and all of this money is going in to education, healthcare, transport and harbor development. The country still has a lot more to achieve economically. The government now wants to develop new policies to improve public finance management, give an upper hand to the private sector, reach out to more tourism and vitally â€Å"deal comprehensively with the debt problem through national and international measures in order to make debt sustainable in the long term† (Maldives Country Report).

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Development of Heathcliff’s Character in Wuthering Heights Essay

The Development of Heathcliff’s Character in Wuthering Heights Heathcliff is a character who is ever present in â€Å"Wuthering Heights† and throughout the novel his character changes. At first he is a poor, homeless child, then he becomes a loved and neglected victim, then he is a degraded lover, and finally he transforms into a vicious, lonely master. Heathcliff is introduced into the novel as a homeless child. He is a ‘â€Å"dirty, ragged, black-haired child†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ who Mr. Earnshaw brings to Wuthering Heights from Liverpool. He is constantly referred to as ‘it’ and a ‘gypsy’. His wife, Mrs. Earnshaw, is furious that Heathcliff has been brought into the house and the Earnshaws’ son, Hindley, is jealous of the apparent love his father is giving Heathcliff. Hindley therefore beats up and bullies Heathcliff throughout his childhood, especially when he becomes master of the Heights when Mr. Earnshaw dies: ‘†¦reminded him to order Heathcliff a flogging’. This shows that Heathcliff has been transformed from a poor, homeless child into a neglected victim. However, Mr. Earnshaw treats Heathcliff with more love than his other children: ‘†¦and petting him up far above Cathy’ This shows that Heathcliff is loved by Mr. Earnshaw but also neglected by Hindley and Mrs. Earnshaw. It is because of Mr. Earnshaw’s love for Heathcliff that Hindley gets jealous and abuses him. However, Heathcliff doesn’t really react to Hindley’s abuse, because he doesn’t cry or complain and just gets up and carries on. However, he manipulates Hindley into giving him Hindley’s horse: ‘â€Å"†¦if you wont I shall tell your father of the three thrashings you’ve given me this week. This shows that Heathcliff can be manipulative. After fighting with .. ... a servant by Heathcliff. He usually obeys him, but when small Cathy asks him to pick some flowers, he does it. Heathcliff is angry by this: ‘â€Å"And who ordered you to obey her?†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ This shows that Heathcliff is losing control. However, he also feels he has won everything and has nothing left worth fighting for. He dies soon after, drenching himself in the rain. However, he leaves an exulting face: ‘†¦life-like gaze of exultation’. This shows that Heathcliff has left thinking he has won. He has left to be with Catherine, and the ghosts of them are spotted together, finally: â€Å"They’s Heathcliff and a woman, yonder†. Heathcliff is a character in â€Å"Wuthering Heights† whose character has altered tremendously and in turn altered so many others. This is due both to the other characters either showing him love or showing him hate and his own personality.

Sleeping Late Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Life is so busy sometimes we don’t get enough sleep. Some days our bodies need more sleep than others. Some people like to sleep in after a busy week at work, or a long night of partying. Others feel that sleeping in can help them relieve some stress. Trying a few of these trips may help you to sleep in.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In order to sleep in longer, you should plan ahead for the weather. For example, when the weather is going to be hot and muggy, crank up the air conditioner. When your body gets too hot, you will wake up. Just keeping your body cool will help you feel more relaxed so you can get those few extra hours of rest. If the weather forecast calls for a steady rain crack open the windows so the rhythm of the soothing rain drops help you fall into a deeper more relaxed sleep.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another important part of sleeping in is a dark room. When too much light breaks into the room, you might have trouble falling or staying asleep. Light makes it easier to stay awake, thus making it harder for you to stop thinking. If you have curtains, close them almost all the way. Roll mini-blinds with the blades in the upward direction, because if they are rolled down when the sun comes up, too much light will come in. As the sleeper you want some light in the room, just a lot.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hunger will also prevent you from sleeping in. Near your bed keep a few handy items. I...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The warehouse group pest analysis: strategic management Essay

The warehouse group pest analysis The external environment can be grouped into different environmental segments, the Political/legal segment, economic, socio-cultural and technological segments, otherwise known as PEST. (hanson et al) Technological Technological advances have also impacted the industry such as the use of self-checkout machines. The introduction of self service has changed the daily interactions for customers making transactions much faster and easier as well as more accurate (nz herald ref). According to NCR, which is the maker of 99% of all checkout machines in NZ, work is being done on ATM technology which will allow transactions to be made through smartphones. (nz herald ref). This will hopefully give The Warehouse Group opportunities for an increase in sales, as a carrier of smartphones this innovation makes way for apps to be created and used for store information and discounts that can be transferred directly from customers mobile phones. Socio-cultural The socio-cultural environment consists of people’s attitudes and values (hanson et al ref), this externality therefore can effect all other segments of the environment. The Warehouse Group was recently influenced by the union-led New Zealand Living Wage campaign, which was focused on the need for a higher minimum wage in the country in order to lower the income gap between the rich and poor. (nbr article ref). With information about this issue the company researched the amount of income required to maintain a household and then measured it against their employees pay rates; after consideration they have changed the amount they will be paying to certain employees and will soon have a minimum wage of $18.50 to $20 for experienced staff members. (nbr ref). This will hopefully create more stability for The Warehouse Group’s employees. Political-legal The political-legal environment is the area of laws and regulations that organisations compete in for attention and resources, (Hansen et al). Possible new legislations introduced by the government may affect all suppliers of goods and services in NZ, the new law will make it a breach for consumer supply standard form contracts to contain unfair contract terms  (ref) that instigate a ‘take it or leave it’ relationship between suppliers and buyers. This will give suppliers more power and could impede companies such as The Warehouse Group from gaining access to cheaper supplies, The Warehouse is known for its low prices and discounted products so this may cause a decrease in sales revenue if low prices are not continuous. Economic According to Hansen et al the economic environment is the economy in which a firm competes or wishes to compete in. During the global recession the retail industry suffered severe threats, most companies were forced to make cost cuts in order to make a profit, but with The Warehouse already being a discount store, additional cost cuts put a strain on the company’s performance. (ref). Market conditions today still remain tough and competition continues to increase however the long lasting effects of the recession have been key driving forces for the Warehouse Group to take actions such as the acquisition if noel leeming, to broaden its services as a retail brand and increase profit margins. Tech – Political- Eco socio-

Friday, August 16, 2019

Internet-available-software Essay

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The multi function ability of technology for its advance system i Premium1938 Words8 Pages Payroll System Problem Statement The study specifically seeks to answer the following problems in manual payroll process: †¢ Speed in processing payroll tends to be slow. †¢ Prone to mathematical errors that could consume much time than it should and could cause financial or legal trouble. †¢ Ta Premium832 Words4 Pages Payroll System Documentation DEVELOPMENT OF WEBSITE FOR JARO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 2-1 Chapter 2 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 2.1 Introduction Information System is processing of information received and transmitted to produce an efficient and effective process. One of the most typical information systems is the Transaction Pro Premium2286 Words10 Pages Generic Employee Attendance Monitoring and Payroll System Using Sensor CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Considered as one of the vital factors in any working environment, is tracking the working hours of employees for their payroll. Tracking the working hours is a prime necessity for computing wages. The record keeping tracks of some companies wer Premium624 Words3 Pages Payroll System Colegio de San Juan de Letran – Calamba Calamba City Computerized Payroll System Camacho, Juliet C. Cartaà ±o. Merriane Vi S. Valdez, Charmaine A. A Thesis Proposal Submitted to Ms. Precious A. Daytia In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in ENG 113 Scientific Paper Writing Fo Premium7003 Words29 Pages Payroll System Foreign Literature From Mr. Junald Astronomo Lagod Any small business owner can tell you that paying employees involves a lot more than writing a check every two weeks. 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Thursday, August 15, 2019

Hk and Mainland Chinese Generation Changes

HK and Mainland Chinese Generation Changes Introduction: Since Hong Kong return to China, there always have some comparison between Hong Kong and Mainland China. In this essay, I would like to talk about the generation changes in both Hong Kong and Mainland China and make the comparison. HK: (1976~1990) Historical background: The fourth generation of Hong Kongers is the children of the second generation, they live in plenty and unlikely to worry about their conditions. Growth environment and current situation of the fourth generation: They growth up in affluent circumstances, but this kind of environment is not equal to happiness.They need to face the competition earlier than their parents, grandparents. What is it like to be a good fourth generation of Hongkongais? He/she need do much better than others even form kindergarten, because there is no circumstance for the late developers. The loser will be wash out by the society. The difference between the fourth generation and previous generation is they always under surveillance from their parents. The second generation comes through the spoon-fed education, so they do not want their children come through again.But on the other hand, they still want their children can well prepare for the competition. Therefore, they show too much attention to their children. Lui Tai-lok said, to the fourth generation, personality is a luxury. They really hardly to find their own personalities. For example, we blindly denounce CantoPop for Euro-American pop; and blindly loves the film by a Western director – any Western director; and blindly denounce packaged tour to Japan for a shopping trip organized ourselves; and blindly denounce our ellow shoppers, our fellow schoolmates, our fellow CantoPop fans, and our fellow quantitatively-manufactured fourth generation Hongkongais, by means of using different goods and products, instead of having different mind-set. Besides, we seldom have chances to present our opinions. The ad ult always make the conclusion replace the fourth generations. They think they have more social activities than us; their decision must be more perfect than us. Under that social environment, it is really hard in finding personality. China: (1979~1990) Historical background:This generation called â€Å"little emperors† was born after 1979 when China began to promote the one-child family planning policy. Also, it was a period that â€Å"Culture Revolution† ended and â€Å"reform and opening up policy† started. Chinese economic start taken-off. Growth environment and current situation of the â€Å"little emperors†: Under the â€Å"one-child† policy in Mainland China, which was implemented in the late 1970s, instigated a new phenomenon in families: 4-2-1, which means four grandparents, two parents to bring up the only child in the family, and this is the standard family structure for â€Å"little emperors†.This generation called â€Å"litter e mperors† that is spoiled by eldership and they are the center in the whole family. They can get whatever he likes and avoid whatever he dislikes.? It has been a common practice that the parents have to obey their child’s â€Å"order†.? As a result, the spoiled child becomes the â€Å"little emperor† who rules the whole family. That gives them a sense of self importance and entitlement, which is the origin of the term â€Å"little emperor†. Also they are the crucial market vanguard that they can increase Chinese economic clout and lead to enhanced spending power.The first generation of little emperors are now in their twenties, so the self-indulgent consumerism has expanded from children's products into luxury goods, and this has been a driving force behind the rapid expansion of the luxury goods industry in recent years. From a young age, parents want to let their single children to be the best in their classes. Even toys, games, DVDs, video games a nd TV shows are more likely to be marketable if they have an educational edge. On the other hand, the little emperors have become the conduit to come true all their families hope and dreams.Some of them are the rebel against to the social rule. Since they were young, they are force-fed to study hard and education by rote memorization. The sentence â€Å"good good study, day day up†, which said by Chairman Mao Zedong is be hung on the wall in each of the classroom. Their parents impose their own dream and interests to them. Therefore, make them disgusted with what parents said, they want to be difference with the previous generation, contend for their own fate. Han Han’s phenomenon† is such an educational phenomenon, but also a phenomenon of a diverse value orientation culture and dare to rebel and innovative social. â€Å"Han Han’s phenomenon† is named from Han Han, who is a professional rally driver, blogger, writer and singer and he is also involv ed in music production. He is really an inferior student when he was in school because he cannot get high grades in exam. In his first year of high school, he won the first prize in China's New Concept Writing Competition with his essay on the Chinese national character.But he fell seven subjects at the year-end examination. This incident was reported in the media and ignited a heated debate on China's â€Å"quality education† policy, whether holistic or specialized learning should be implemented in schools, and other educational issues. Han Han quit school in the senior middle school 2nd year, and worked on a series of essays, which always occupy the highest Sales Volume. Besides, he is one of the best rally drivers in China. Han Han is good at almost everything except study.Han Han’s phenomenon became a hot issue and cause controversy between some public characters. The traditional view and standard of an all-around person are queried. Also, the bad impression to thi s generation is changed. They are not merely â€Å"little emperors†, but also can be the strong people in life. They are generally called â€Å"after-eighty generation†, because most of them were born after 1980. But several pundits would like to call them as â€Å"the Beat Generation† as they know only comfort and ease; they cannot responsible to the society.Therefore, they are the most controversial and special generation during the Chinese history. Similarities of the fourth generation in HK and Mainland China: Either fourth generation or â€Å"little emperors†, they are both under the surveillance from their parents, they have high ambitions to come true their own dream rather than their parents’ dream. Dissimilarities of the fourth generation in HK and Mainland China: For â€Å"little emperors†, only part of them wants to contend for their own fate, the person who does not want to establish their own life, they can live with parents coz ily.But for the fourth generation, they have to compete with others, because the main trend is powerful to persuade them walk on the road which adults believed. Therefore, the fourth generation in Hong Kong misses the first and second generations simply because they have the knowledge and ability like the fourth generation, plus they have the dream, the commitment, the passion and the willingness to give their dreams the highest priority, and many great values that were not discarded. Conclusion:Whatever the fourth generation or the â€Å"little emperors†, both of them have the highest profile, they have to face the pressure from the previous generation, so that they should make more effort on increasing their value of life.Reference:http://zh-yue. wikipedia. org/wiki/%E5%9B%9B%E4%BB%A3%E9%A6%99%E6%B8%AF%E4%BA%BA Lui Tai-lok , 2007 Deane, Daniela, One world, Many cultures. 7th edition. 2009 Stanat, Michael. China’s GenarationY.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Corruption in Public life Essay

If two or more persons meet together and start talking about the present society of India, they soon come to the conclusion that every system, every institution of India is infested with corruption. Corruption has become so common in public life. Corruption means perversion of morality, integrity, character of duty out of mercenary motives (e. g. bribery) without regard to honor, right or justice. Simultaneously, those who genuinely deserve those things as their right remain deprived. Corruption in public life is not a modern phenomenon. People no longer protest against corrupt practices, fight injustice or express any shock when big scandals are exposed. Corruption starts with those politicians, who run the state, come down to higher officials†¦ then to the lowest rung of bureaucratic hierarchy. Lastly, come to the general people’. Who elect the† corrupt people as their representatives’ and expect special favors from them. Corruption can be eradicated by a comprehensive code for ministers, members of legislature and political parties, – and such code should be strictly enforced; judiciary should be given more independence and initiative; law and order machinery should be allowed to work without political interference; a voluntary organization at national level should be established to break the vicious circle†¦ Our entire system is bound to collapse if we do not rise the occasion and face the glaring truth with courage, foresight and patience†¦ Global Warming and its Consequences Global warming is the greatest challenge facing our planet. It is, in fact, the increase in the temperature of the earth’s neon- surface air. It is one of the most current and widely discussed factors. It has far-reaching impact on biodiversity and climatic conditions of the planet. Several current trends clearly demonstrate that global warming is directly impacting on rising sea levels, the melting of ice caps and significant worldwide climate changes. In short, global warming represents a fundamental threat to all living things on earth. Unfortunately, the imbalance which we have created between our life and earth is already showing the signs disasters in the form of flood, cyclones, landslides, tsunami, drought, etc. If the imbalance continues to rise, one day this will pose a question mark on the existence of this planet. Carbon dioxide (C02) which is an important constituent of environment is causing a warming effect on the earth’s surface. increases the evaporation of water into the atmosphere. Since water vapour itself is a greenhouse gas, this causes still more warming. The warming causes more water vapour to be evaporated. The C02 level is expected to rise in future due to ongoing burning of fossil fuels and land use change. The rate of rise will depend largely on uncertain economic, sociological, technological and natural developments. Other gases such as methane, CFCs, nitrous oxide, troposphere ozone are also responsible for global warming. Increases in all these gases are due to explosive population growth, increased industrial expansion, technological advancement, deforestation and growing urbanization, etc. Trees play a significant role in the global carbon cycle. Deforestation is checking these positive processes. It is the second principle cause of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Deforestation is responsible for 25 per cent of all carbon emissions entering the atmosphere, by the burning and cutting of 34 million acres of trees each year. the impact of global warming is a matter of grave concern. As is well known, India is mainly an agricultural country and agriculture here is gamble of the monsoon, e. g. largely depending on rainfall. Though it is to affect the whole country, the worst likely impact would be on central and northern India which is high-yielding parts of the country. These are the regions which produce the largest agricultural yield. The rise in atmospheric temperature and fall in rain would naturally result in decline in crop production. Moreover, it would have great effect on biodiversity as well. In addition, forestation can be of great help in this regard. Planting more trees and reducing timber cuts worldwide will help restore the imbalance. Secondly, we must follow on environmental policy of ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’, i. . promoting the reuse of anything. Thirdly, the use of fuel-efficient vehicles should be promoted as these vehicles have lower emissions of harmful gases. Fourthly, every individual should be aware of the importance of the protecting environment. Besides, eco- friendly technologies must be promoted, and must be substituted with the technologies which cause great emission of global warming gases. Public awareness campaign can be of great help in this regard because unless each and every individual is aware only governments’ effect cannot bring desired difference. Westernization of Indian Culture Westernization has greatly affected our traditions, customs, our family and our respect and love for others. The concept of joint families is remarkably decreasing and everyone wants to remain aloof from others. Nobody now bother about others and only cares about himself/herself which is totally contradictory to our Indian culture which depicts that, to be a part of each other Joys and Sorrows to celebrate the moments together and share the grief together. Day by day all our value for which India has the pride is vanishing & western culture is incubating in India with faster rate.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Kertesz and Cartier-Bresson versus Smith and Salgado Essay

Kertesz and Cartier-Bresson versus Smith and Salgado - Essay Example Salgado and Smith’s photographs seemed to always appear a little bit more obvious, like portraits. The photos are more scripted and it appears that they manipulate their subjects so that they could enhance their photographs to better tell the story. However, in the sense of journalism, it is questionable whether or not it is ethical to tell a story through photographs in methods that are ‘staged’ to be a little bit different than real life. All four photographers were able to capture a story and display a type of emotion with their subject. After evaluating the techniques, if these photographers were photojournalists, it is more ethical to capture a moment as it happens when true emotion is elicited and showing how something really is as it happens. Cartier-Bresson and Kertesz were better at this method because Salgado and Smith’s photography seemed to be too fake or staged rather than capturing a moment truly as it

Monday, August 12, 2019

Change Management of People Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Change Management of People - Case Study Example Thus, from this point of view use of 3rd party option would provide them high level of software development expertise and application domain expertise. Though, they are from outside of the company they lacked the local company related knowledge. 2.0 Major Problems Encountered During the Selection and Implementation Phases of the Project Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system at present situation is in huge demand by both manufacturing as well as service organizations since they provide a strong integrated result to the information system as organization needs. With ERP package an employee can be able to run their company with a single system which can incorporate the whole business process and can make an enterprise-wide view of major corporate information. ERP software is a set of functions that connect various systems in an organization such as manufacturing, sales force, human resources, financial, data warehousing and document management. It also helps the organizations to han dle task which may include order processing along with production scheduling. Companies experience huge challenges and problems at selection as well as implementation of the all stages of ERP system life cycle (Almahdi, â€Å"Introduction†). The Chief Executive Officer of Power IT decided to implement ERP system in the organization by purchasing it from the third party vendor. The staffs were not able to develop such software due to lack of domain knowledge. Thus, through tendering process the software was acquired. For the selection process the CEO, financial director and business development manager need to undergo various selection processes. An invitation was sent to the potential stakeholder by the business development manager. The tender was then reviewed properly by comparing it to the major requirements of the system and three vendors were selected. They again made presentation about the product to Power IT and desired vendors got the contract. The process of implemen ting the software throughout the organization was discussed with the vendor. Regardless of the major benefits that ERP software packages provide in incorporating and managing multi-functional procedures of business, there are several problems and barriers that can be related to such an implementation. The most important challenge is to amalgamate existing legacy method and function with the ERP system in an attempt to provide a common interface. Moreover, implementation of ERP systems is intricate, challenging, high-priced project and time consuming for every organization. The difficulties of ERP implementation assist to plan in a better way and facilitate more successful ERP implementation. The different barriers that can be raised during implementation of ERP system are organizational, technical and managerial barrier (Almahdi, â€Å"Barriers and Difficulties of ERP Implementation†). 3.0 Problems Encountered After Implementation ERP system was implemented in order to fulfil l the requirements of the business. However, after eight months of using this system it was found that the system was not performing well and it was not meeting the business

Grammar and Composition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Grammar and Composition - Essay Example Drafting - Organization Sheet Three-Step Format for Thesis Statement: Specific Support for Paragraph #1: Experience with test Specific Support for Paragraph #2: Experience with professors Specific Support for Paragraph #3: Experience with paper work Drafting - Organization Sheet Thesis Statement with Three-Step Format: I am me because of the valuable lessons and choices that I have made and learned through my tests, my professors, and my papers. Drafting - Organization Sheet Introduction - reader's attention and states thesis statement Paragraph #1 But the drive to learn should exist in all of us nevertheless Drafting - Organization Sheet The last sentence of the first paragraph And yes, it is a conscious effort on my part to go through all of these experiences. Drafting - Organization Sheet Paragraph #2 (first point of your thesis) I wasn’t born good in math Drafting - Organization Sheet Paragraph #3 (second point of your thesis) A certain professor while teaching me about th e important of sacrifice, studying and success, stated that students learn at different rates. Paragraph #4 a.) Explain how the third point is developed in this paragraph. The third point is about how I did my essays and term papers. b.) What is good about this paragraph? What is good about this paragraph is the way it is written- it has than already enlightened tone in contrast to the second paragraph where the tone sounds dreary. c.) How could this paragraph be improved? Drafting - Organization Sheet Paragraph #5 (conclusion) In the end, what makes each of us really different is our choice to always have the drive to improve, to learn and to surpass oneself. Drafting - Organization Sheet The last sentence (End with a clincher) I choose to be me and that in the world makes all the difference. (wordplay) Five-Paragraph Essay Revision Sheet Paragrap

Sunday, August 11, 2019

India and China traditions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

India and China traditions - Essay Example In Chinese traditions three sticks of incense denotes San Cai - heaven, earth, and people. It also denotes past, present and future. Livia Kohn in his book Health and Long Life: the Chinese Way mentions that chi or qi is in the root of everything. It is a basic material of all that we find in existence. All forms of life derive its functional power from qi. The person is healthy because of the presence of qi. Besides, qi can be regulated through acupuncture, massage and breath control. Chinese traditional medicines are also based on the thinking of qi. The concept of meditative and controlled breathing makes qi to permeate the entire body and it is synonymous with health and balance. The traditional art of Feng Shui has much to do with the flow of qi. Chi or qi is also linked with wealth, energy level, and luck. Similarly, Yin and Yang compliments each other and balances the life force. They are opposite and keep on balancing each other. These basic understandings have given birth to a certain life style to the people. Their traditional medical knowledge provides cure to the number of ailments ranging from liver, kidney, heart, lung and many more. The Confucius ideals of a perfect human being are described in the word Chun Tzu who is a perfect human being--a person who is magnanimous, mature, and respectful to others. These philosophical thinking has a significant contribution in present state of Chinese economic built-up. The modern China is built up on the principles of collaboration, cooperation and mutual respect. After reforms of 1978, the final decision maker in the Chinese market is consumer. With the advent of Chinese economy it has got intense support from the government endorsing the Confucius way of thinking giving freedom to a common man in decision making process. Current economic rise and making it the second largest economy of the world in purchasing power parity point of view has a lot to do in their old settings of environmental preferences. Ch inese economy has risen from the ashes in last 30 years like a phoenix producing a vast array of industrial and consumer goods using tools endowed by modern technology and proven management theories. India India is said to be a place of three oldest religions on this planet–Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. All these religions have further offshoots and traditions overtime. The religious traditions are highly deep routed in India and it is difficult to find any atheist in India. Indian affiliation to their religious traditions and faith is monumental. They always had full religious freedom even when the country was under the British rule. Pranayam (breathing exercise) and Yoga are two established traditions since several thousand years which has now spread all over the world in several variances. The culture of India is an amalgamation of many diverse stream of subcultures spread all over the subcontinent. Ayurved is very old Indian tradition of herbal medicines and treatment processes. Family concept has a key role to play in Indian cultures. Marriages are formed for life time and divorce rates are very low. Namaskar with folded hands is their way of greeting the people. Democratic setup in India is very strong unlike China where elections are still a far cry in the communist regime. The reason of democratic setup lies in their age old traditions of free movement and

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Mental Health and Behavioural Problems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Mental Health and Behavioural Problems - Essay Example 1430). Studies show that children said to be hyperactive at three years of age had cognitive problems, this usually is observed to extend into adolescence, and such children  bear  traits like being antisocial (Moffit and Harrington 34). Randal explains that among the health problems that affect children later in childhood include anxiety disorders, mood disorders, conduct disorders, attention deficit, hyperactive disorders and substance dependence disorders (128). These behavioural problems  are explained  well by  use  of conceptual models. These models aim to provide an  explanation  for the supposed behavioural problem, and it also tries to  create  a  probable  solution to the problem. The main conceptual models include biological, psycho dynamic, behavioural, cognitive, sociological, and ecological. In the grid provided below, we will look at each model, probable explanation on how it causes a particular problem and its  method  of addressing the pro blem in question.  We shall consider gambling as the main  problem  and analyze the table below. ... This emphasises on the importance of winning in reinforcing the problem in question. This also basis its explanation on the fact that behaviour is acquired. Treatment of behavioural disorders of this origin is focused on empowerment. It focuses on solving of the issue and not on its cause. Its aim may include harm reduction, self control, or avoidance. Psychodynamic Disorder arises due to the urge to satisfy ones arousal needs. For instance, not winning may act as the reinforce of behaviour such as gambling Focus is mainly in empowerment. Cognitive Cognition focuses on the ability of an individual to interpret and conclude about events that are happening in his or her environment. Cognitive therapy is suggested as the mode of treatment, coping skills are an imparted on an individual. Patient is taught change and relapse prevention. Behavioural This is based on the fact that behaviours are learned. It says that inappropriate behaviours are as a result of inappropriate learning, and vi ce versa. Treatment achieved by imparting on an individual the various consequences of their behaviour. For those consequences that strengthen behaviour are reinforced, while those that weaken are reduced. Ecological This model takes an individual as a member of a variety of social groups. For children, the groups include school, peers and family. In this model, an individual’s performance is dependent on the nature and type of interaction he has with environment Problems arising from this are solved by identifying classroom, family, peer or group, and community environmental factors that enhance the occurrence of pleasant behaviours. Models Used in Assisting Students with Behavioural Problems The behavioural model is among the most  direct  and simplest  approach  to

Friday, August 9, 2019

CHANGES Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CHANGES - Assignment Example Often, the contactor is expected to maintain a comprehensive record of costs invested in performing the change so that they can validate its claims (Clough, Sears, & Keoki 136). 3. A constructive change in a contract is the consequence of an action, or absence of an action of the contract owner or its representative that can be interpreted as a change to the contract despite the fact that the owner might not have offered an official, written change order. For example, when the contractor is verbally directed to perform a different duty, in a different way, or in addition to that set by the contact, the owner becomes responsible for any extra time and cost. 4. If a project falls behind schedule, the owner can take a recourse or alternative of ordering the contractor to make up the wasted time without being responsible for additional costs of construction. 5. Differing site condition is   an unforeseen site condition realized after execution of a contract and differs from the conditions outlined in the specifications and plans or differ from those that should be experienced at the site. An example is an underground condition that can be discovered in remodeling a structure that existed before (Clough, Sears, & Keoki 140). 7. The main reasons why contractors should be concerned about owner-caused delay are that they enable him to recover under the change clause for extra cost of work. The contractors can also get a profit in the process. 9. Delay damages are difficult to prove because when the delay damages are hard to measure or are uncertain, it naturally means that it is hard to conclude that a specific damage rate or amount is an irrational projection of what the damages might be. 10. The three essential elements of the Revised Contract Amount in a change order: the modifications to be included change in the contract amount, and the signatures of the prime contractor and the owner. This article tries to put forward that the Changes clause is possibly the

Thursday, August 8, 2019

The Impact of Oil Prices on Economies of OPEC Countries Essay

The Impact of Oil Prices on Economies of OPEC Countries - Essay Example This research paper presents exploratory study, that deals with the overall economic issues, that OPEC countries face in the world economy. The purpose of the paper was to study the overall impacts of oil on OPEC countries. This research had followed a quantitative approach, as the collection of quantitative data is essential for developing a stronger academic framework. United States, Europe, and Japan all are desperate to lessen reliance on oil for safety and ecological reasons. The ways that have been projected are dual: fuel replacement for nuclear or more competent usages of energy. Some advancement has been realized on both fronts. But the cutbacks required mitigating the dependence on oil from Iran, Venezuela, and other OPEC states are further than what can be gained in the short or medium-term. Economists developed variety of theories about the role of OPEC nations in wielding its influence on the marketplace, whether through the self-governing projects of individual associates, via actions and plans commenced by semi-autonomous alliances functioning within the huge groups, or through combined plans cuddled and carried out by the organization en bloc. It is a question, whether OPEC has ever worked effectively in the way of a typical ‘interest group’. Still, OPEC nations have limited production in approaches that are not related to the domestic dearth of oil The American shift in paradigm toward alternative fuels causes some concern in OPEC countries that can see America’s demands lessen over a period of time.